5 meal prep hacks for busy families

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Don’t let the stress of getting back into the school routine overwhelm you! We’ve got 5 handy tips to help the whole family eat well while transitioning from the lazy days of summer into the hectic pace of life with school back in session, wading through homework and running around for all the extra curricular activities for the kiddos.


It will take some extra time to work on this until you get into the habit of doing it, but carve out an hour one morning each weekend to plan your menus for the week and work out the grocery list as you go through the menu. Get it done before the week starts! This will not only save you time in the long run, but will most likely save you some money too because you are less likely to impulse buy if you have a plan before you shop.

BONUS: Download a printable grocery list to help get you started!


We’ve all bought those “time-saving” pieces of kitchen equipment that get used once or twice, but then get left on the shelf to collect dust. Well, it’s time to dust them off and start planning ways to use them and quick cooking methods to help get a good meal on the table each night without sacrificing all your spare time. Multi air fryers, slow cookers and sheet pan cooking are still incredibly popular with lots of great inspiration on the world wide web to help you along.


We know, we know! Not all foods make great leftover meals, but there are some that really do. When you are working out your weekly menu over that steaming mug of coffee Sunday morning before the house stirs, think about what items would make good leftovers for lunch the next day or could be repurposed into another meal later in the week. Roasting a chicken for dinner one night? Pull the leftover meat off the bone and whip up a salad, soup or sandwich utilizing the leftover pieces.


Buying items that are more convenient are often a little more expensive, but often worth the extra time it gives you to not have to do the extra cooking or preparation. Figure a quick cooking or convenience item into your weekly shopping list to help cut down on prep time and allow you to get meals on the table quicker without sacrificing valuable time.

Springer Mountain Farms has a full line of fully cooked chicken products that can help here! With a variety of fresh and frozen options, it's great to keep these on hand for quick and easy meals thanks to their versatility.


Got a great casserole recipe that freezes well? Double the recipe, making 2 dishes, so that you can freeze one for another meal later in the month.



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